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The Next Chapter: Sarodj Bertin Gets Candid on Passion, Purpose and 200% Haitian Pride

Q&A with Actress, Model, & Humanitarian Sarodj Bertin. Outside of her impressive social media following, she has established herself as a rising musician and actress. The former Miss Haiti Universe 2010, recently inked a 6-figure deal with Ultimate Cheveux haircare as a brand ambassador. In addition, Sarodj founded 'Sarodj For a Purpose' a non-profit organization after realizing that becoming a public figure could serve as a positive way to help those less fortunate. Sarodj took a step away from her busy schedule to chat with Disrupshion.

 Sarodj Bertin

Interview: Jackie Martinez

Photographer: Adrian Quezada 

Hairstylist: Ysiana Jimenez 

Makeup & Creative Direction: Damion Gerardo 

You stepped away from your career as a lawyer to pursue an entertainment career in music and acting. Would you say music is your current passion that feeds your soul right now?

Well, in reality, I believe that each one of the stages that I've been through in my life have been extremely important to becoming the professional person I am. So obviously leaving law behind, it was a huge decision for me to try something new, something that had a different feeling for me, which we can call passion. It started with acting. I have to tell you, I discovered acting first and I originally went to LA to study acting and branch off into feature films. Now, through the years, I have always been a person that loves to be prepared, just in case things happen and an opportunity may arise. So I started taking music classes, just because. I had no intention of becoming a musician. But it just happened. After three months, I wanted to spend more time in the music class than in the acting class. So I felt something in my heart. When I was a kid, I also used to write poetry, so I understood that I could actually use those words that I had inside of me to put into my music. Everything begins to just make sense to me, after discovering music. I’m so grateful for discovering the love I have for music. I would say I'm a pandemic, baby. Because my first song came out literally before the pandemic, then I had a little pause, obviously, because nobody knew what was happening. The year 2021 was the launch of my real music career. So since then, I've never stopped. And yes, music has become my priority. I do love acting, I still enjoy it. And if I get a character in any movie, I treat it as it fits. It doesn't matter if it's one line, or if it's the main role, I will treat each opportunity with the same passion. Music is my first choice.


While you were crowned Miss Haiti Universe 2010, you founded a nonprofit organization, 'Sarodj For a Purpose'. What is the purpose and what inspired it?

Since I was a kid, I’ve always loved to give back. And I would look for nonprofits I feel I identified with to help and donate my time and help other people. I believe that we're supposed to be of service to others. I think that's why we're here on earth. So I have always had that thought since I was a kid. So becoming Miss Haiti Universe, literally, in a couple of days made me become a public figure. The next day I was famous and it was a big deal. So I decided I could use my public image to do way more than I used to do, because I was helping other nonprofits grow. I realized I had the opportunity to do it myself, and to be a voice for those people that needed it. So I called my nonprofit ‘Sarodj For a Purpose’, because I discovered my purpose in life, which is lending support and care for kids. I believe kids are the future.  Working with kids is the most beautiful thing you can ever see, there's no price you can put on the smile of one of the kids I see when or when visiting the orphanages. The kids literally make a line to kiss me and then they go around to go back in the line. It's so beautiful. It just fills me up with love and so many beautiful feelings. A lot of people always tell me I do many things for the kids, but I think they do way more for me. It’s a gift to give and receive. I work with orphans especially. But we do help other kinds of  kids that are in need, sick, we often visit hospitals, but that's not our main priority. Our main priority is to help the children that are orphans, so they can feel important and they can follow their path and discover what their passion is in their life, and I enjoy being able to help them do that.

We noticed that on your Instagram page that it says you're 200% Haitian, break that down for us?  The reason why that's like my invisible stamp, 200% Haitian.  I've always got, oh, you're Haitian, but you’re mixed. I'm like, No, I'm Haitian! People are like but your parents are Haitian, right? Yes, my parents are Haitian. So your grandparents are not? I'm like my grandparents are Haitian. I was born in Haiti. So there's no other nationality in this beautiful body. And I'm really grateful. And I love my country. And I want to keep representing Haiti, even though most of you guys know that I do live in the Dominican Republic, and I have a lot of love for that beautiful country, of course. But there's only one Haiti, and my country will always be my number one.

 Sarodj Bertin
Sarodj Bertin

You inked a six figure deal with Ultimate Cheveux? How has the journey of being the face of that brand been for you?

 It's been a beautiful experience. Because of course, since I come from the beauty pageant industry, it makes sense that I represent brands that are related to beauty products I resonate with. A lot of people want to know what I use for my skin and what I use for my hair. And I think that's the main reason why the braid approached me. But to be real. When we first started the conversation, they sent me the product. I tried the product, because of course, I had to see what I was going to sell to see if I actually liked it, right. And the thing is that it worked perfectly. I love the product. But most of all, I love the company. I love the people I work with, I feel like we have become a family. And I'm sure that the contract is going to extend because we're doing so great together. We're growing together. And I really love working with Ultimate Cheveux.

What is your favorite item from the collection? Argan Oil is one of my must haves. And I love the mint shampoo. It's so refreshing. I mean, I love them all you know, but the mint shampoo provides a feeling from the first shampoo rinse. You feel like your scalp is just breathing. It's amazing.

When it comes to beauty and haircare you often switch up your styles, but somehow always have an island flair. Is it important to showcase your roots in your music style, and beauty rituals for the aesthetic of your brand?

I believe it's just natural for me. I believe that's what's genuine about my music. That's why people identify with it when they meet me because they see my music makes sense with the personality that I portray, because that's who I am.  So definitely I always have my Caribbean vibe going on. Like in the way I dress and the way I behave and the way I dance, the way I do my videos and music. 

 Sarodj Bertin

You actually speak five languages: English, Spanish, French Creole and Italian. Which one would you say you utilize the most? 

So yes, it's English, Spanish, French Creole, and Italian. I feel extremely comfortable in French Creole and Spanish. I feel comfortable in English too. But I do have a little accent. 

Why is it important for you to know so many languages and be multilingual? 

Well it’s important in life in general, because it opens a lot of doors for people. I’d recommend people to learn a new language because the access to learn is unlimited, thanks to the internet. You should take the time to do it, especially starting early as a kid. Because once we grow, we don't really have the time. But take a moment and learn a new language because the world is so big, and there's so many things for you to discover so many cultures, so many beautiful things. I can tell you that I'm proof of that. Knowing a new language opens big doors for you. In my case, it happened because I'm Haitian so we actually have two languages already, which is French and Creole. I learned Spanish and then I learned English and decided to also learn Italian. I was learning Mandarin because I've always been interested in learning languages because I really believe that it opens the door all over the world for you. Imagine me going to China and actually speaking Chinese! The Chinese would give me some respect.

 Sarodj Bertin

Is there anyone in your life that you would like to thank or give props to that was a genuine key factor in your success?

Of course, my family, my father. I don't have my mother. I lost my mom when I was a kid. A lot of people know my story. It was tragic, but I'm still proud of her and the reason why she was fighting. And my dad has been there since day one. For me, he's been my dad, my mom, my friend, my confidant, my everything, my support. My brothers, my sister, like you don't understand. They're my biggest fans and they're always own personal cheerleaders. It's just beautiful to have your family, you know, support you in every step. I think they're the reason why I'm becoming bigger every day. Because knowing that I have them and that they support me, and that they believe in me. It's already like 90% of it. As for my mom, I literally live through her memory. I don't have her physically with me, but she's definitely in me and always in my thoughts and everything I do. I think, would my mom be proud? Literally?

What are your top three things you like to do for fun?

I don't really take time to do it, but I love extreme sports. I would like to get more time to go skiing and do those types of things. I think it's fun. It's adventurous. I love adventure. I don't do it enough. But when I do it, it just amazes me. So I would say that would be like one of my top things. I'm a very simple person. I enjoy good moments with good friends and a cup of coffee. It's fun. I'm not I'm not really a party person. Like you barely gonna see me out. I love good food. That's the thing.  We're not supposed to eat for fun, but it makes me very happy. So I think food is fun too.

What is Actually the craziest thing you've ever done?

I mean, do  a lot of things. I’ve done bungee jumping.. I've done snowboarding. I haven't skied yet. But I did snowboarding. I've done a lot of Safaris with exotic and beautiful animals. I love animals. I love to see them. And I love to be around them. And I'm not scared of them, even though they can be fearful. Once in South Africa, I remember, I didn't have a problem with planes or with heights. But there was this plane I had to get in. It was literally a four seat plane. For me that was like the biggest adventure because I was actually scared. During the entire time. I was praying to God and saying, “Okay, please, can we go back?  Can we land safely.” But in the air, it was really extreme. For me. I think that's the craziest thing I've done.

What else is in the cards for you, what are you looking forward to next? Well, I believe that I'm going to keep on doing music. And of course, I still have a long way to go. Because I definitely want my music to be heard in every little corner of this world. So there's a lot of corners in this world, I have a lot of work to do. So I'm gonna keep on putting beautiful music out there, hopefully getting more people everyday that support my music and that listen to it, save it, share it. And we'll see what happens next. Personally, my nonprofit, it's always going to keep growing because it's a part of me. And as much as I grow in my career, well, it grows too. So that's something that I will never stop doing. Because it makes me feel complete. So my nonprofit, it's just part of my life forever. But music, I know, it's gonna grow. Like I'm working towards it. I'm concentrating, I'm putting all my I'm doing my best every day to become the best artists, for all of you. So I hope you enjoy it. And you enjoy my process with me too. I think there's way more years of me doing great music. So for now, if you ask me what I'll be doing in five years, I'll still be doing music, but it's just gonna be on a bigger scale, bigger places, more people listening, you know, and of course, more languages too, because I would love to do music in several languages.I have sung in Italian too. I collaborated with some Italian singers. And I actually have a verse in Italian. So we're getting there. I have a verse in Italian and English, Spanish, French, you see, I have a little bit of everything.

You're so diverse, what do you live by? Like, what's your mantra?

Well, I have several to be real. One of them and that I believe, has helped me personally to be a happy person, which is important is to concentrate on good things and positive things and be productive in your life. Understanding that what happens around you is not always related to you. If someone else offends you, or someone else affects you, you should just not allow that to happen. Because probably that person is going through something right? You have to try to understand other people instead of taking it personal. That's the number one thing: never take anything personal, that has made me a better person, and caring about others. I believe that besides fulfilling me as a person, I do believe that God gives back because there's so many amazing things that have happened in my life that I don't even know how I can describe it to be real, even in entertainment, like everything that I started is because the opportunity literally arrived to my door and what are the chances it's probably because I've been a good person. So I encourage everybody to do so also. I want to tell all the young people that are seeing us out there that we all have big dreams. And it is great to have big dreams, I want you to keep dreaming, right? But I want you to know that you are not going to achieve your dreams if there's no preparation. So the first step is to get prepared. So when the opportunity arrives, you can be ready for it. Because if you're not, you're gonna lose it and it won’t come to light.

Keep up to date with Bertin's whirlwind of projects and journey as a musician and actress below.

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